In Case You Missed It! Governor Martinez Shows Strong Grassroots Support At Campaign Event In Cibola County

TV DeveloperNews

Cibola County, NM – About 400 New Mexicans attended a campaign event in Cibola County to support Governor Susana Martinez on Sunday, demonstrating a strong grassroots movement that is determined to re-elect the governor.  Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney, a Democrat, attended the event and spoke enthusiastically about the governor, saying, “We need to support people who are moving the state forward … what a wonderful governor Susana Martinez is.”

With the election just weeks away, it’s becoming more and more clear that momentum is on Governor Martinez’s side as she continues to tell New Mexicans about her plan to move the state forward.

Gov. Martinez Draws A Crowd
Cibola Beacon
September 16th, 2014

CIBOLA COUNTY – People came from all over New Mexico for the Lee’s family ‘Friend-Raiser’ for Gov. Susanna Martinez on Sunday.

Approximately 400 people, mostly Republicans, joined the Lee family and 18 Cub Scouts from Pack 26 in welcoming the Governor to Cibola County.

“There are 51 days left,” said Gov. Martinez, “and this will all be over – from the top of the ballot to the bottom of the ballot. The [Albuquerque] Journal poll this morning has us up by 18 points, 54 percent to 36 percent.” And then came the applause.

Even Gallup Mayor Jackie McKinney, a Democrat, rode in from McKinley County in support of Martinez. He said, “We need to support people who are moving the state forward… what a wonderful governor Susanna Martinez is. I wholeheartedly support this woman.”

It was announced at the “Friend-Raiser” that Grants’ Mayor Martin Hicks could not attend the event because he was at work.

Martinez emphasized her efforts for jobs and education. “Number one in export growth – number one in graduation rate improvement… obviously we are on the right track,” she said. “However, it will all unravel if that other guy wins,” she added. “We don’t have to grow government; we have to grow private business.”

Other Republican candidates attended the special event, and many coming from around the state including Allen Weh, Rick Lopez, and Lar Thomas.

All of the Cibola County’s Republican candidates attended – Les Gaines (Commissioner), Robert Windhorst (Magistrate Judge), and Deniece Cornett (County Assessor).

According to organizers, beef and beans for the event were placed in the ground of the Lee Ranch on Saturday, cooking them the ole’ fashioned way. At the event, were treats for everyone such as homemade pie, ice cream sandwiches, and specially- made cookie treats with Republican Party logos on them.

The Lee family, including mother Iona, daughter Marron Lee Nelson and sons Floyd and Harry, were thankful for the great weather and many attendees. The Lee family members are longtime supporters of the Republican Party.

Eighteen Cub Scouts from Pack 26 specially attended the event. The Scouts are required to attend a public event and get involved for one badge, said Pack 26 Leader Josclyn Lister. “We are excited to be here,” said Lister. “And, all of the Scouts brought their families.”

Marron Lee Nelson said, “We are thrilled Cibola County was represented so well. Thank you on behalf of the Lee family.”

Ray Clemons, chairman of the Cibola County Republican Party, was also thankful for all the attendees. “Some thought we’d be lucky to get 100 people,” he said. “Well, this goes to show how popular she [Gov. Martinez] really is. We were glad to help organize the event. Maybe we could get her in downtown Grants before the General Election on Nov. 4.”